Industrial Design NZ was started by Paul Roest in Auckland in 2011. These handmade, eco-friendly furniture creations are sure to make a bold statement in any room. Using reclaimed materials with a lot of soul. These solid and sturdy works of art are made with love. To purchase any of these custom pieces, please contact us or browse through our items on the Shop
About Us

Shop Fit Out

Looking to give your space a unique feel? We are available for total space development, right down to furniture and artwork to create or complete your space. We are comfortable working in commercial shops, bars, restaurants or office spaces. We are only limited by your imagination.

Custom Furntiture

Every now and then, you need a unique piece of furniture to suit a particular need. Industrial Design NZ can create custom furniture pieces to transform your spaces into beautiful places. We’d love to hear from you to talk through your specific requests. Contact us today.
